Monday, July 14, 2014

No excuses

Welcome to my new blog.

The first thing that I want to do is explain to you what this blog is all about, why is it happening and what I am doing it for.

This blog is about a journey. Not an old journey. Not a journey in the future. It is a journey that begins today and goes till it goes.

It's about the journey and I want you to join with me.

This blog is about my quest to qualify for, and compete, in the 2015 CrossFit Regionals.  This may not seem like a big deal until you hear my excuses for why I can't do this.

The excuses that I could use are crazy big!

Let's get them out there first so that I know what they are before I say F U to each and everyone of them on the way to the regionals. Sound like a plan? Here they are...

1. I am too old. How many of the competitors at the games are in their 40's? Not many if any at all. Who really cares if I am competing against guys half my age. Challenges are meant to help you become more. This is a challenge that I will face. I will use it to my advantage.

2. I don't have good heavy lifts. So what if my dead lift is a third what the top guys can do? I can and will get stronger.

3. I have asthma. Whatever. I've had it for a long time and I know how to control it. Not a factor.

4. I have a bad back. Who cares if I have scoliosis? I don't use it as a crutch and I don't see it as a factor. I can and will get stronger but I just need to be cognoscente of my bad back at all times.... and go to see the chirpractor every week.

5. I am to light. Whatever. I will be 185 by January 1st so that will not be an issue.

6. I don't do CrossFit. This one is a hard one. The gym that we workout at is NOT a CrossFit gym. I will be one of the very few NON CrossFit athletes competing. Again, it's just an excuse.

So why do I want to do this?

Great question.

Ironically is started a few weeks ago. A friend of mine shared an article from some doctor somewhere that said how bad CrossFit is. She really tore CrossFit a new one. I followed up that article with a blog post that wasn't as harsh on CrossFit but it also wasn't super supportive. CLICK HERE to read "My opinion of CrossFit." 

This created a fascination in me to watch the CrossFit games. I watched hours of YouTube videos all the while saying, "I can do that."

I am an athlete. I have tremendous ability. I have lots of talent in many areas as a generic athlete. I have the type of body that bodes well for CrossFit.

Why sit on the sidelines what I could be the one out there doing it.

Why not blog about the experience and give people some real incite into that it's like to train to compete at the highest level with as many excuses as I could have?

I have a fitness blog. You can find it at . That blog (which I post each and every day) is for those on the fitness journey. It is filled with a ton of value and helpful tips. I encourage you to follow that blog. The goal of that blog is to empower and inform.

This blog is a little more narcissistic. I'm sure I will help people but It's going to be more about me and my journey. Hopefully you will find value here as well. Hopefully my determination and drive to succeeed will help others do the same.

I will fight for myself and my family. I will fight for my gym, ASM Fitness. I will fight for my followers and my supporters. I will fight to succeed no matter what the cost.

Please come with me on my journey.

Along the journey with me is my super hot wife Teresa. She is getting ready for the Open with me. Her goals aren't as high as mine but she wants to do her best and secretly she wants to qualify for Regionals as well.

She is a stud. I think she can do it.

We started over the weekend watching some videos and planning out workouts for the week. My real weakness is that I need to get better at some of the skill moves and Olympic lifts. Come hell or high water I need to learn how to do double unders and snatches. We also need to learn how to do some heavy lifting.

Today we set benchmarks on front squats (225) and push-press (155). I am honestly pretty happy with that. I need to be able to squat over 300 lbs and clean at least 275 by the open. Being able to snatch over 200 lbs is going to be necessary as well. Dead lifts.....

The list goes on.

I need to gain some weight.

One workout and one week at at time.

Today we did Fran. My time was 4:59 and Teresa was 8:46. Forward we go.

We got this.

Thank God for Muscle Strength and Post Workout Recovery today. 
Overhead squat work tonight. The beat goes on.

Can you do me a favor? I think lots of people are going to get good value out of this blog. I just need to reach them. Can you share this with anyone that you know that has some obstacles in their path. We want to make this journey with others that have to fight. We want company. 

I hope you enjoy the blog. Check back tomorrow. I am doing Open workout 11.2 It should be a lot of fun.

Rock on.

Rick Copley, Personal Trainer, Blogger....Champion!
Advocare Independant Distributor
Instragram: @rickcopley

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