Thursday, July 24, 2014


I am always learning lessons. Going into this big new challenge I NEED to be able to learn as I go and learn quick. It is vital.

So I learned 2 lesson last night during the workout.

After the Burden Run yesterday I figured I'd do the 6pm workout at the gym. Usually the workout is something that I can hammer through and not have to think to much.

It ended up being a TOUGH 25 minute AMRAP.

- 200 yard sprint
- 5 bar facing burpees
- 15 over head press (I used 85 lbs)
- 20 box jumps (24 inches)

On paper this doesn't seem hard but a combination of the weight for the overheads (nobody else was using more that 25 lbs) and the heat (it has been 90+ all day and this was my second workout) made it a killer.

Two lessons.

Lesson number one for me was learning to "lose" gracefully. I know, it's not a race. The challenge for me is to see someone doing more reps in an AMRAP workout. I don't do humble very well. The lesson for me is that I need to use this as a positive. The person ahead of me was using 25 lbs when I was using 85 lbs. I was also doing bar facing burpees which are a lot harder then regulars.

It's not an excuse. I need to use times like that to push myself in my mind.

"That dude is in from of me. I need to suck it up and catch him."

That is a good lesson for all of us.

Lesson number two was about the real reason I am doing this.

I was doing one of my 200m sprints. It's an out and back down the road. From the loading dock at the gym you can see the whole route. I turned around at the sign and walked a few meters. I looked up and saw Teresa watching me walk.

Not acceptable. I am doing this to inspire others. The number one person that I am doing it for is Teresa. She caught me walking. I felt for a moment like I was letter her down. Not cool.

Everybody is watching and supporting me. I can't let anyone down. I must fight for every rep and every minute. Others are fighting harder right now. I need to up my game.

Today's workouts were challenging but fun. We started with a CrossFit standard called Fight Gone Bad.

5 exercsies done for one minute each. You rest one minute then do again. You do a total of three rounds.

- Rowing (calories)
- SDHP (75 lb barbell)
- Wall ball
- Box jump
- Shoulder to overhead (75 lb barbell)

My scores for each round were: 110 - 100- 96. TOTAL of 304. I guess they did this in 2009 at the CrossFit Games and dudes scored up near 475. Crap that's a lot of work.

I'm happy with 304. Got my Muscle Fuel in so that helped BIG TIME.

After our workout we did a quick little burn workout that looked like this: 10 squats | 10 knee to elbow | 20 sit-ups | 10 wall ball | 30 squats | 10 slam ball | 40 sit-ups | 10 box jumps | 50 squats.

There was supposed to be 1000m row as well but I skipped it because we only have 2 rowers and there were 10 people in class so I didn't want to take up space.

Now I rest... until tomorrow.

I've done all the workouts that I wanted to do and I still have 3 days left in the week. Not sure what I will do. I'm sure I will figure something out.....

I wrote a really powerful blog today at . It's called "YOUR dream life". Will you jump over and check it out?

More and more people are ready this blog everyday. Can you help out and give it a quick share? THANK YOU!

Rock on my friends!

Rick Copley
Instagram: @rickcopley
Facebook: rickcopley 

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