Friday, August 1, 2014


I wrote a post today on my other blog called "What time is it?". Basically I talked about how if someone asked me when I was in the best shape of my life my response would be:

"What time is it?"

In other words I am in the best shape of my life RIGHT NOW. Read the post here: .

A couple of pieces of evidence for that.

Yesterday I decided my body was too wrecked to workout so I took the day off.

Well... not really. I did decide to throw some weight on the bar and hit my best ever for a back squat: 250 lbs. Not bad for a 41 year old who weights 165 and has back problems.

Today I did 3 strait muscle ups and then threw down 30 strait pull-ups.

This was after my workout:

7 minute AMRAP: 3-6-9-12 etc 135 clean and jerk / toes to bar. SCORE: 43

Don't under estimate how hard it was to do 24 clean and jerks at 135 lbs. Remember... that is 80% of my body weight.

Of course I also ran almost 3 miles this morning. I am feeling freaking strong.

I have really struggled with the 6pm workouts. After being at the gym (which is basically outside) 2-3 hours trying workout in the 90+ degree heat has been hard for me. On Wednesday night however I had a great workout. I blasted through a routine with push-ups, squats, dips and lunge walks with ease. The last set had 50 sit-ups and 50 box jumps.

The sit-ups were excruciating because I have a little bit of "sit-up butt". Let's just say it involves some missing skin and some pain. I crushed the box jumps.

Whatever, right. Suck it up buttercup.

I couldn't be happier with the way that the workouts are going. I am getting stronger everyday. My body is adapting to the different workouts and I am developing fitness that I have never had.

I no longer fear what I can't do. Once I conquer double-unders and hand stand push-ups the CrossFit masters better watch out.

I am coming after you....

I weighed in at 169 lbs today. I am 5'10" so I still need to either add strength or add weight.

It's really a double edge sword. The heavier I am the more I have to carry around.

The goal for next week is a 300 lb dead lift. Let's hope I don't break the bar....

After being out of Post Workout Recovery we finally got some in today. THANK GOD. I vow NEVER to run out again. This is my training partner for sure....

If you haven't tried Post Workout Recovery I suggest that you do. If you are already with Advocare go get yourself some. If you have never tried AdvoCare Teresa and I would be glad to help you out. You can get it here:

One more workout today at 6pm. It's a surprise what it is so I will be ready for anything. The only thing that I know for sure is that I am going to KILL IT! 

Rock on my friends. Rock on. 

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